

Veterinary Smart Chemistry Analyzer Reagent Tray

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Product Details
  • Little Sample Volume Required

Sample volume is only 1/10-1/20 of traditional chemistry analyzer


All steps are designed automatically from centrifugation, dilution, quality control to test result printing

1. Insert Sample (100ul blood) 2. Insert Rotor (12 minutes running)

Support full blood sample, internal Free of maintenance, easy to use in
centrifuge, no sample pretreatment, mobile space and field. Key parts
only 100ul full blood, serum or American original import, internal no-
plasma can complete the test liquid road, pump valve and other vulnerable parts

3. Read Result (immediately)

Using the principle of photoelectric colorimetric, no random error, no cross infection. The instrument quality control, calibration automatic real-time completion


9 Veterinary Chemistry Profiles with 26 Parameters in One Solution. It is freeze-drying single-use plastic reagent disc panel with one year lifespan at the temperature of 2-8℃. The diluent contains in the rotor. The QR code not only includes the basic information of rotor, but has the functions to update system of
analyzer and to set zone code



Reagent Disc Description
General Chemistry TC / ALT / AMY /ALB / ALP / GLU / GGT / UA /AST / TBIL /UREA / CREA / TG / TP / GLOB* / U/C* / A/G*
Health Check Ca / PHOS / Crea / TG / TB / ALT / AST / CK / AMY / GLOB* / U/C* / A/G*
Liver Function ALT / TBA / AMY /ALB / ALP / GGT / AST / TBIL / CHE / TP / GLOB* / A/G*
Renal Function Ca / PHOS / tCO2 / Crea / UA / UREA / ALB / GLU / U/C*
Electrolyte K+ / Na+ / Cl- / Mg / Ca / PHOS / tCO2
Lipid GLU / TC / TG / HDL / ALT / AST / LDL*
Cardiac AST / CK / LDH / HBDH
Liver Function Plus ALB / TP / ALP / GGT / TB / DB / ALT / AST / AMY / LPS / GLOB* / A/G*
Renal Function Plus K+ / Na+ / Cl- / Ca / Crea / UA / UREA / ALB / U/C*
ReLyte K+ / Na+ / Cl- / tCO2 / Crea / UREA / GLU
Chemistry CRP Crea / UREA / ALB / TP / GLU / ALP / TB /DB / ALT /AST / CRP
Glycolipid UA / GLU / TC / TG / CK / LAC
General Chemistry II K+ / Na+ / Cl / Mg / Ca / PHOS / tCO2 / Crea / UA /UREA / ALB / GLU / AST / CK / LDH / HBDH / AMY / LPS / U/C*
General Chemistry III Crea / UA /UREA / ALB / TP / GLU / TC / TG / HDL / ALP / GGT / TB/ DB /CHE / TBA / ALT / AST / CK / AMY / GLOB / U/C* / A/G* / LDL*

Analytes and Clinical Significance

Analytes Organ Clinical Signs
ALB (Albumin) Liver Liver secretion, liver disease, kidney disease, dehydration, gastrointestinal diseases or parasites
A/G* (ALB/GLOB) Liver Low A/G may caused by renal dysfunction, amyloidosis, inflammation, infection, gastrointestinal disease,
immune-induced liver failure or malabsorption
ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) Liver Liver disease
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Liver Liver diseases, especially in birds and reptiles
TBA (Bile Acids) Liver Chronic liver disease
AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) Liver Liver or muscle disease
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) Liver Liver disease or liver disorder
CHE (Cholinesterase) Liver Decreased activity is an indicator of liver disorder
TB (Total Bilirubin) Liver and Gallbladder Anemia or bile duct disease
GGT (Gamma-GT) Liver and kidney Liver disorder
TC (Cholesterol) Liver and kidney Liver disease, kidney disease or endocrine abnormalities
CREA (Creatinine) Kidney Muscle metabolites, kidney disease or urethral obstruction
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) Kidney Kidney disease, and sometimes other reasons, such as diet,
liver disease or dehydration can also cause abnormal
PHOS (Phosphorus) Kidney Increased phosphorus level are indicators of kidney disease, especially in advanced nephropathy
UA (Uric Acid) Kidney Kidney disease, especially in birds and reptiles
Mg (Magnesium) Kidney Disorder of adrenal glands or renal
AMY (Amylase) Pancreas Pancreatic disease
P-AMY (Pancreas-Amylase) Pancreas Pancreatic disease
LIPA (Lipase) Pancreas Pancreatic disease
CK (Creatine Kinase) Muscle Muscle injury or neurological disease
TG (Triglycerides) Pancreas/Systemic Indicator of fat content in blood
GLU (Glucose) Systemic Physical condition of pets is poor or sick, such as diabetes may cause abnormal
TP (Total Protein) Systemic Kidney disease, dehydration or gastrointestinal diseases
GLOB* (TP-ALB) Systemic Chronic inflammatory disease including filariasis, virus, parasite or bacterial infection
Ca (Calcium) Systemic A variety of diseases, such as lactation, malnutrition, cancer etc.
Na (Sodium) Systemic Maintain the body osmotic pressure and acid-base balance and transmission nerve impulses
tCO2 (Bicarbonate) Systemic Primary metabolic alkalosis and acidosis, primary respiratory alkalosis and acidosis
Cl (Chlorine) Systemic Mainly in the extracellular fluid, to maintain cell integrity by osmotic pressure
K (Potassium) Systemic Provide the most important buffer environment for cells and help maintain acid-base balance and
osmotic pressure
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Veterinary Smart Chemistry Analyzer Reagent Tray
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